Tag archives for Argument

Struggle for real gain versus gain based on interpersonal “issues”

Note in response to of today’s daily prompts: “Bone of Contention”. Bonnie (my wife) and I were just talking about the phrase “bone to pick” as in “I have a bone to pick with you!!”. Our analysis … Bonnie’s image …. was two , or more, sharing a portion of meat — held together by/hanging […]

Outlining, Argument, Teaching and Mind Maps

Putting Outlines online for inspection, education, edification sdeems to me to be a way of getting bare bones/core ideas onto the table for discussion. the opml.org option is for me the barer of the two — unless I embellish. the opmlworkstation has some infrastructure and dressing that allow more embellishment, frill etc. Neither varies from […]